BCG Farm Expansion Day 25 July
“Farm expansion is on the card in the next five years,” Tandarra farmer James Taylor said, “but we don’t know what that looks like yet. Do we buy, lease, share farm, become more intensive? What are the pros and cons of each? Which will be more profitable for our farm and how do we find the sweet spot between labour, machinery and expansion?”
BCG’s Farm Expansion Day on Tuesday the 25 of July at the Birchip Leisure Centre has been designed in response to calls from many farmers to provide information on this complex topic. Register for the free event at:
Event organiser, BCG’s Grace Hosking said: “With rising interest rates, inflation, variation in seasonal outlooks, market volatility, family members coming back to the farm, parents looking to retire etc, there are a myriad of reasons why farmers are looking to expand to increase profits.”
BCG’s Farm Expansion Day will cover land investment principles—buy versus lease versus share farm with ORM’s Ben Hogan, farming beyond family—human resources and recruitment with Denise McLennan, machinery investment decisions and benchmarking with Kondinin Group’s Ben White and managing growth within the business with Carmen Quade.
“The event will conclude with a panel of farmers and advisers sharing their farm expansion experiences including how advisory boards can aid such decisions. Whilst there is no prescriptive approach to expansion, this half day workshop will provide you with key tools to guide objective expansion decisions,” Grace said.
The event will run from 9.30am to 3.00pm. To register visit For more information call the BCG office on (03) 5492 2787.
This event is part of the Resilient Farming Communities project funded by Agriculture Victoria, at the Department of Health in collaboration with Deakin University and the National Centre for Farmer Health. This project if part of the broader Smarter Safer Farms Initiative.