BCG trial results presented this Friday


The annual BCG Trials Review Day is on this Friday, 16 February, at the Birchip Leisure Centre.

The program includes a broad range of agronomic topics and will be an opportunity for growers to hear the latest research leading into the 2018 season.

BCG extension manager Ciara Cullen explained the day would be informative, question status quo and give growers the opportunity to learn from researchers and their peers.

“BCG Trials Review Day traditionally begins with a review of the previous season with a Mallee and Wimmera grower to reflect on challenges, and discuss opportunities for the coming season and set the scene for the event.

This year Sam Eastwood from Kaniva and Terry Kiley from Nandaly will be in the hot seat, and will be interviewed by Lawloit farmer and BCG Board member Alan Bennett.

Researchers presenting on the day will be travelling from all over Southern Australia including CSIRO senior researcher Jaclyn Brown from Tasmania.

Ms Brown will be presenting information on a collaborative project with the Bureau of Meteorology where they’re investigating the way farmers access their weather information in order to test and develop better weather and climate information for the grains industry.

Ms Cullen said “Climate and weather are critical to farming and its operations, so to have access to a seasonal outlook by Agriculture Victoria seasonal risk agronomist Dale Grey and CSIRO researchers aiming to improve weather information for growers, we’re fortunate.“

Also travelling to present at the event is Assistant Director of the Department of Agriculture’s National Residue Survey Chris Williams, Dr James Hunt of La Trobe University, Agriculture Victoria’s Grant Hollaway, Jason Brand and Tom Batters and CSIRO’s Vadakattu Gupta and Steve Henry.

“We’re very fortunate to have so many experienced researchers present in Birchip to our members on one day covering a broad range of topics to assist our members and aid their decision making for the coming season,” Ms Cullen said.

“Topics include; access to weather information, chemical registrations, MRLs and good practice, managing early sown wheat, combatting cereal disease pressure, pulse variety performance, the movement of nitrogen in stubble, grazing crop mixtures for forage production, mice and much more.”

Seven BCG researchers will be presenting at the event, which is a credit to their dedication to learn, experience and ability to communicate applied outcomes.

“As an organisation, it is an achievement to have such a qualified and experienced team able to communicate the research and results they’ve found for the year, and there’s always a lot of passion and ownership over the research which makes a significant difference to the discussion on the day,” Ms Cullen said.

BCG staff presenting include Claire Browne, Cameron Taylor, Amy Smith, Sebastian Ie, Louisa Ferrier, Linda Walters and Kelly Angel.

Some of the topics being discussed by BCG staff include managing early sown wheat, cereal variety results, the movement of nitrogen in stubble, the influence of the weed spectrum on rotations, reducing brome grass and wild radish seed banks, variable rate technology and seed size, phosphorus and sowing rate in barley.

The BCG Trials Review Day is a members only event. Lunch, refreshments and a copy of the 2017 BCG Season Research Results compendium are provided. Non-BCG members can purchase memberships prior to, or on the day.

For more information about the BCG Trials Review Day visit the website at or phone the office on (03) 5492 2787.

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