Using Yield ProphetTM is about to become even easier with users given the option to have their soils automatically generated based on the Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia.
Many users reported challenges trying to identify the right soil characterisation when they’re setting up their paddocks at the start of the growing season.
We want to make this easier.
Soon, all users will have to do is select the location of their paddock from a map and Yield ProphetTM and the Grid will do the rest. However, users can still use the existing system to manually select a soil profile if they prefer.
The Grid combines historical data with information from satellites and other sensors to map the soils and landscape across Australia. It was produced by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) as part of the Australian Government’s National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS).
We’re also making it possible to use Yield ProphetTM without current soil test results.
Having soil test results for the current season will provide the most accurate modelling, but we understand that this isn’t always possible. This new feature will allow users to set up a paddock based on last year’s test results, or no test results at all.
Yield ProphetTM will model the previous year’s growing season and summer fallow to provide estimated starting points for nitrogen and water in the current year. We still recommend that users get their paddocks tested annually for the best results.
These new features and more will be available in May on the Yield ProphetTM website.
If you’d like to know more about how we’re making Yield ProphetTM easier to use, or to let us know what you’d like to see in the future, call the BCG office on (03) 5492 2787. Â
BCG would like to gratefully acknowledge the funding support for this work provided by the Australian Government through the National Landcare Program.