Did you know, in Victoria, farms make up 14% of all workplace fatalities, despite employing only 2% of the state’s workforce?
On average, 2 people are injured on Victorian farms every day.
Enhancing farm safety is crucial, and at BCG we’re committed to making our farms safer every day.
The journey towards improved farm safety often begins with personal experiences. Hugh Keam, Lah grower and host of our recent Farm Safety Walk, shared how his commitment to improving the safety of his farm was sparked by a desire to support his father’s continued on-farm work, as well as his young children’s wellbeing.
Hugh’s simple steps to a safer workplace and home include a monthly catch up with his employee to talk about safety, and putting away money each year for safety measures. He highlights “If you’re going to put money away for a machine, also put money towards safety. Identify the risks and just make a start”.
Stories like Hugh’s remind us that safety measures are not just regulatory requirements, but critical steps to safeguard our loved ones.
The event was supported by WorkSafe, with staff members Tarnya Dalla, from the agriculture team and Richard Ballard and Brendan Baker, inspectors from the local Ballarat office, highlighting several key areas where practical changes can make a significant difference. Tarnya reminded attendees to “Keep it simple. A checklist is a great reminder. Start by identifying ‘what do I need to teach someone new about this machine?’. We might forget because we’ve been doing it a long time, so a checklist can be a small but effective change”.
Tarnya’s top tips include:
- Create a checklist
- Start the conversation around prioritising safety
- Identify and prioritise risks that could cause serious harm or death
- Consider engaging in the OHS Essentials program– a set of fresh eyes can help
- Keep your family safe by staying informed and engaged. Learn more about children on-farm and download the child safety on farm handbook.
BCG’s collaboration with WorkSafe is part of a broader initiative to reduce the rate of injury and death on farm in the Wimmera Mallee region. Farm safety is a shared responsibility. By working together and staying informed, we can create a safer environment for everyone.
Safety Resources for Farming Families
Statistics: https://agriculture.vic.gov.au/about/agriculture-in-victoria/safety-health-and-wellbeing-on-farms