New pre-emergent chemistry at BCG Trials Review Day


Dr Chris Preston, Weed Management Professor at The University of Adelaide, will discuss how growers can best fit new pre-emergent chemistries into their farming system and how to manage them for longevity at BCG’s Trials Review Day on Friday 19th of February at the Birchip Leisure Centre.

New pre-emergent grass herbicides Devrinol-C (Group K), Luximax (Group T), Overwatch (Group Q), Ultro (Group E), Mateno Complete (Group F K and new) will be discussed as well as new pre-emergent broadleaf weed herbicides Callisto (Group H), Reflex (Group G) and Voraxor (Group G).

Dr Preston’s presentation will outline the importance of considering soil type, seeding system, soil organic matter and likely rainfall after application when choosing a herbicide.

“Pre-emergent herbicides have become more important for the control of grass weeds, particularly annual ryegrass, in the past decade as resistance to post-emergent herbicides has increased. However, resistance to trifluralin is now common across many cropping regions of South Australia and Victoria,” Dr Preston said.

“Worryingly, resistance to the Group J and K pre-emergent herbicides has also been detected in random weed surveys. Resistance to triallate is becoming more common in some parts of South Australia and Victoria. It is likely resistance will increase making it more difficult to control annual ryegrass with the current suite of herbicides available. New pre-emergent herbicides offer an opportunity to expand the suite of products that can be rotated. It is important these are used well to get the most out of them,” Dr Preston said.

The BCG Trials Review Day is a members’ only event. Attendees are encouraged to register online at BCG Trials Review Day will deliver information adapted to suit a socially distanced and digital audience.

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