Appendix 1
Acronyms and Abbreviations
4N Node
ADF Acid detergent fibre
AGT Australian Grain Technologies
AH Australian Hard
ANOVA Analysis of variance
APW Australian Premium White
ASW Australian Standard White
BD Bulk density
BGA Blue green aphids
C Carbon
CCN Cereal Cyst Nematode
CL Clearfield®
CP Crude protein
CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CV Coefficient of variation cv. Cultivar
DAP Diammonium phosphate
DLPS Dryland Legume Pasture Systems
DM Dry matter
EC Electrical conductivity
G Gravel
GAI Grams active ingredient
GIA Grains Innovation Australia
GRDC Grains Research and Development Corporation
GS Growth Stage
GSR Growing season rainfall
HRZ High rainfall Zone
HR% Approximate level of hard seed remaining at break of the reason
HT Intervix© residue tolerance
IBE Incorporated by sowing
IMI Imidazolinone
IOD Indian Ocean DSiploe
K Potassium
LRZ Low Rainfall Zone
LSD Least significant difference
LVE Low volatile ester
MAP Monoammonium phosphate
MCPA 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid
ME Metabolised energy
MET multi-environment trial
MIR Mid-infrared
MR Moderately resistant
MRMS Moderately resistant to moderately susceptible
MRZ Medium rainfall zone
MS Moderately susceptible
MSS Moderately susceptible to susceptible
N Nitrogen
NC North Central
NDF Neutral detergent fibre
NDVI Normalised difference vegetation index
NFNB Net form of net blotch
p Provisional rating
NIR Near infrared
NS Not significant
NVT National Variety Trials
OP Open pollinated
P Phosphorous
PH Pod holding
PM Powdery mildew resistant
PSPE Post sowing pre-emergent
QMR Quantum Market Research
R Resistant
R&D Research and Development
RMR Resistant to moderately resistant
S Susceptible
SAM Southern Annular Mode
SARDI South Australian Research and Development Institute
SCaRP Soil Carbon Research Program
SFNB Spot form of net blotch
SH Seed harvestable
Sig.diff. Significant difference
SOC Soil organic carbon
SPAD Soil plant analysis development
STB Septoria tritici blotch
SU Sulfonylurea
SVS Susceptible to very susceptible
TOS Time of sowing
TuYV Turnip Yellows Virus
VS Very susceptible
WSC Water soluble carbohydrates
YLS Yellow leaf spot
Z Zadok's growth scale
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