Welcome to the 2022 edition of the BCG Season Research Results.
2022 was an extended season requiring high input, effort and logistical nous and the 23 articles in this compendium capture the scientific research BCG conducted across the Mallee, Wimmera and North Central regions of Victoria.
It was a season where a proactive, protective disease management strategy translated into higher yield and better quality grain at harvest. This year’s edition includes an analysis of stripe rust in a high-pressure season, plus articles about management strategies for Septoria tritici, crown rot and Rhizoctonia.
High input costs combined with the predicted La Nina and favourable growing conditions made decision making complex, particularly for growers familiar with a low rainfall, low risk farming approach. The nutrition section of this compendium offers insight into the highest yielding and most profitable nitrogen strategies of 2022.
Thank you once again to the BCG team who, as the year unfolded, strategised, analysed and adapted to the conditions, and for delivering another quality research and extension program.
I hope you had some time to rest, relax and recuperate after such a busy season and are ready for another big year in farming in 2023. I’m confident there are some valuable take home messages in this compendium for your farming business.
John Ferrier