BCG are currently collaborating with Southern Cross University to revisit 15 of the sites originally used in CSIRO’s SCaRP (Soil Carbon Research Program). BCG were involved in the original project and still hold the sample results and the farm management history from 2010, and are currently revisiting to re-sample on the exact spot that the original project took cores 10 years ago -0 and collecting another 10 years’ worth of management data.
This project was considered the ‘gold standard’ for soil carbon testing and included the collection of the previous 10 years of farm management data (2000-2010) to help researchers determine the impact of farm management practices on soil organic carbon (SOC).
The sampling protocols are quite strict – taking 10 random cores from within a 5mx5m grid. Each core is split into 3 depths (0-10cm) (10-20cm)(20-30cm) and separately packaged weighed, dried and then tested for SOC.
We should have the analysis of the data, and information for BCG members and Wimmera, Mallee and North Central Growers ready for the September Main Field Day.
The BCG soil sampling team is still available if growers need soil tests undertaken – just contact BCG at