Seeder set-up fundamental: timely message from BCG seeder day

Seeder set-up fundamental
Janine Batters

Operating an 80 tyne-double chute bar, machinery expert Brett Asphar always keeps 160 buckets in his ute during sowing to check whether the seeder is distributing seed evenly.  

Asphar was a keynote speaker at BCG’s Seeder Demonstration Day at Murra Warra, where he explained to the 80 plus attendees why he is so dedicated to even seed distribution.  

The Western Australian emphasised the importance of proper  seed distribution for maximising yields, discussing the intricacies of seeder set-up and seeder bar function, including levelling/depth control, maintenance and how to trouble shoot common problems. 

BCG Senior Manager of Extension and Communication Grace Hosking said the event was well received by attendees: “Attendees were able to get hands-on with the five systems   demonstrated on the day.  

“Combined with talks from Brett Asphar, BCG’s Kelly Angel, Ag Vic’s Ash Wallace and Planfarm Advisory’s Dan Toohey, attendees walked away from the event feeling equipped with the information needed to implement a successful program while also providing food for thought for future seasons.” 

Attendee Ben Batters was keen to assess the difference between the machines at the event: “It provided a great opportunity to compare systems in the same paddock conditions.  

“Brett gave a detailed overview of air seeder airflow systems, their common problems and how to resolve these as well as how to get accurate seed distribution across the machine. I look forward to implementing learnings on farm this season and attending follow up events to assess the emergence of plant populations between the different seeding systems.” 

James Gregson, whose John Deere 1830 with John Deere 1920 cart was part of the demonstration, said the event was a good refresh at sowing time: “Kelly Angel’s presentation was particularly engaging. It drove home to me how critical time of sowing is.” 

Systems on show 

The systems showcased were a Morris Quantum with a Flexicoil 3850 cart, a Horsch Sprinter with a Horsch 21000L cart, a John Deere 1830 with a John Deere 1920 cart, a John Deere N540 [disc] with a Bourgalt 6320 and a Simplicity Territory with a Simplicity 30 series cart. 

A follow-up event will be held to showcase the plant emergence of each seeder in June  

Hosking said: “BCG would like to thank the GRDC for funding the research as part of their National Grower Network program and the project NGN – Optimised crop establishment through seeder setup in the Victorian Wimmera and to Pioneer Seeds for kindly donating seed for the demonstration.  

“We would also like to thank our site host David Jochinke, and the local farmers from the Wallup ag group who have donated their time and equipment. Without your support and passion for the industry days like this would not occur.”

Media Contacts 

Janine Batters, Media and Communications Manager
Birchip Cropping Group | 0400 504 330 

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