Student tour at BCG Main Field Day

Student tour
Janine Batters

Student tour at BCG Main Field Day

A tour, specially designed for high school students, will be offered at BCG’s Main Field Day on Wednesday the 13th of September at Kinnabulla. The tour will run concurrently with sessions designed for farmers and advisers showcasing the latest in local agronomic research, including disease management, new varieties, new herbicide technology, nutrition and farming systems. The event will be held at BCG’s main research site, 7km west of Kinnabulla on Kinnabulla West Road.  

North Central LLEN’s Agriculture Education Project Coordinator Susan Gould said the introduction of the tours was an authentic way for students to immerse themselves in the gold standard of broadacre cropping and livestock research: “The tours will leave a legacy on the students and eventually our region. For our students who aspire to be farmers, it is essential to show them the depth and range of quality information available in their local region. For those who are passionate about science and research, this opportunity also showcases high level jobs that can be found in our region.” 

Ms Gould believes the tours will also open the eyes of those students who were unaware of the breadth of agricultural careers. 

“BCG are leaders in innovation and research. BCG’s Main Field Day is an excellent opportunity for students to gain knowledge and begin to form networks that will put them in good stead for their future careers,” Ms Gould said.  

Students will have an opportunity to learn about careers ranging from hands-on, to high level science and research. Activities will include a careers panel, engaging with farmers and researchers, as well as a treasure hunt.   

The State Government’s Sustainable Schools Agriculture fund has supported the North Central LLEN’s agriculture initiative—21st Century Careers in Agriculture. This funding will assist students from local schools (Birchip, Boort, Charlton, Donald, East Loddon, Pyramid Hill, St Arnaud, Wedderburn and Wycheproof) to attend the day. 

Gates open at 8am with onsite catering available from breakfast through to drinks at the conclusion of the day.  

This event is free for BCG members and $50 for non-members. To become a member, visit For more information regarding student tours contact BCG’s Louisa Ferrier on (03) 5492 2787 or for school information contact North Central LLEN’s Susan Gould on (03) 5491 1144. 

BCG’s Main Field Day is part funded through the BCG managed North West Broadacre node of the Victoria Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub, which is supported by the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund.  

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