Taking a break
I’ve enjoyed some time away from the farm with family and friends over the month of January and I hope you did too (or have something planned for the near future). Taking a break from the farm, whether it’s to the beach, golf course, or favourite fishing spot, it’s so important! It gives me time to recharge and refresh. I can then reflect on the year gone with fresh eyes, celebrate the good decisions we made and make note of those we can continue to grow and learn from. It then makes planning for the following year easier with renewed energy.
Sharing experiences
Talking with other farmers about their experiences from last season has also been an enjoyable activity during January. I always value this time, listening to how farmers’ seasons went and how they navigated their way through the different challenges that each year and each region inevitability presents.
In all my conversations with farmers and their families, while the challenges may have been different (too dry, too wet, frost etc) always present is the overall optimism and passion for agriculture going forward.
30 years of BCG
This year we will celebrate 30 years of BCG being a farmer-driven research and communication organisation. Thanks to our farmer members and staff who have worked, and those who continue to work, to deliver our mission. To the numerous BCG collaborators, we sincerely appreciate your support. Thank you to all past and current board and committee members who have given such valuable input and time to contribute to the success of BCG. Each person and organisation has contributed to what BCG is today.
BCG Trials Review Day
BCG’s Trials Review Day is on Friday the 25th of February at the Birchip Leisure Centre. The BCG team is looking forward to delivering their latest research results from across the Wimmera, Mallee and North Central to help you make informed decisions this growing season. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, places are limited and registration is essential. Livestream will also be available. View the program and register.