BCG members are invited to hear the latest results from trial sites across the Mallee, Wimmera and North Central Victoria at BCG’s Trial Review Day on Friday 19 February at the Birchip Community Leisure Centre.
BCG staff, renowned researchers, industry experts and growers will share their research, knowledge and experiences in a day designed specifically for BCG members.
“Our program combines the expertise of BCG staff, who have developed and implemented BCG’s 2020 research program, with researchers and consultants whose expertise in topics such as new chemistry, nutrition, varieties and disease management is unparalleled. Each topic has been selected based on what our members want to know going into the 2021 growing season,” BCG CEO Fiona Best said.
Among them, Dr James Hunt from LaTrobe University will present findings of three years of research aimed at increasing yields by matching nitrogen supply to crop demand. Four different nitrogen management systems are being tested and were designed to target different yield potential and to reflect national average nitrogen application rates.
“What we are finding is the most profitable strategies all have neutral to positive nitrogen balances – more nitrogen applied in fertiliser than removed in grain – indicating soil organic nitrogen is not being mined. I will be talking attendees through some of the strategies to achieve these balances at Trials Review Day,” Mr Hunt said.
Farmer panel
Crop establishment and seeder selection will be the topic of one of two farmer discussion panels. Tim Rethus (disc) and Tim McClelland (tyne) will share their strategies for achieving their targeted crop establishment, why they chose the seeder they did and how they manage issues such as disease, pests and traffic flow in their system. Attendees are encouraged to ask questions in this interactive and thoughtful session.
BCG staff will share their insights from research conducted throughout the 2020 growing season including BCG’s Kelly Angel speaking with Dr Mick Rose from NSW DPI about the latest findings in managing herbicide residue, a timely topic leading into 2021 sowing.
Genevieve Clarke, BCG Research and Extension Officer, will be discussing the economics of blackleg management alongside Dr Steve Marcroft from Marcroft Grains Pathology.
BCG’s Senior Researcher James Murray and Agriculture Victoria’s Jason Brand will deliver pulse variety performance results. Kate Maddern (BCG) will share soil amelioration results from the Mallee and Wimmera and Claire Pickles (BCG) will unveil the latest cereal variety results.
Health checks
Attendees will also have the opportunity to have a health check thanks to the return of the National Centre for Farmer Health agri-health professionals who will be available all day. Register upon arrival.
The BCG Trials Review Day is a COVID safe event. Attendees must bring a mask to wear indoors and registration prior to the day is essential via the BCG website ( or by calling 03 5492 2787.