BCG commences the 2012 season


BCG commences the 2012 season

BCG has sown the first seeds for the 2012 season. The sowing program began at the main research site, 8km west of Birchip on Friday 9 March. The program commenced with a time of sowing canola trial, and was followed by an early sown wheat, vetch termination and vetch end use trials this week.

Vetch termination

The purpose of this trial is to evaluate the effect of four vetch termination timings on residual moisture and nitrogen. The crop will be sown with Morava vetch and one of the treatments will be plus or minus inoculation. The plus or minus inoculate will then have four different times of termination; June, July, August, September and a control.

End use of vetch

This trial aims to assess the different end uses for vetch, and the impact on residual nitrogen, moisture and gross margin. The five treatments include cutting vetch for hay, brown manuring, incorporated, grazed at various stages throughout the season and a control treatment.

Early sown wheat

The objective of this trial is to compare effects between early sown varieties and how they react to grazing, and mixed varieties to see their effect of frost. Four varieties will be grazed/ungrazed and there will be two treatments of mixed seed (i.e. Correll and Yitpi) and two treatments not mixed.

Canola time of sowing

This trial aims to evaluate three times of sowing for early, mid and late maturing canola varieties at low and high plant densities in the Mallee. The dates for sowing are; 9 March (very early), 1 April (early), 25 April (mid) and 15 May (late). The varieties which will be used are 46Y83 (late maturity), 44Y84 (mid maturity) and 43Y85 (early maturity).

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