On the Horizon: Farm Tech – Batching machines with David Ferrier
“Just put all your chemical in as per order. The important thing is to give it the granules time to dissolve, get into the solution.
“we’ve got scales so we can measure all the chemicals in, especially your bulk chemicals out of shuttles.
“We need to know the specific density of each chemical which is all different so you need to know that before you’re doing it. I’ve used the scales and I also put a mark on the shuttle to know that I’m getting the right volume. Using the scales properly I think there could be a cost benefit as far as using the right amount of chemical versus what the scale is saying.”
In our seventh episode of our series On the Horizon: Farm Tech Janine Batters chats to Jil Jil farmer David Ferrier about his chemical batching machine. The conversation covers cost, transport, chemical antagonism, scale weights, safety, tank sizes, efficiencies, challenges and automation.
This podcast is sponsored by GE Silos. Visit https://www.gesilos.com.au/ today.
About David Ferrier:
Wirrabilla Farms is managed and owned by David Ferrier, his wife De-Anne, and David’s parents John and Robyn. David and De-Anne have three children. Wirrabilla Farms is situated 35 km north of Birchip at Jil Jil and covers approximately 5000 ha. David and his family run a mixed broadacre farming operation growing crops and livestock. Crop types include wheat, barley, canola, lentils, safflower and vetch.
Helpful links:
Follow David Ferrier on X: @WirrabillaFarms
We would like to thank our sponsors GE Silos for making this episode possible. Visit https://www.gesilos.com.au/ today.