Risk management of aerial blackleg (upper canopy infection) in canola
2020 Report
- Chair’s Welcome
- The big 12: lessons learnt from 2020
- Board, Staff and Committees
- The year that was 2020
- 2020 Research Sites
- Site Descriptions
- The Rainfall Review
- BCG Research Methodology
- Guidelines for Interpreting Soil Test Results
- Grain Prices
- Dryland legume pasture systems: pasture feed value
- Oaten hay agronomy – Wimmera
- Oaten hay agronomy – Southern Mallee
- Yield losses from net blotches in the southern Mallee: serious problem or sales pitch?
- Septoria control in the MRZ
- Grain yield losses from net blotches of barley in the Wimmera and Mallee
- Risk management of aerial blackleg (upper canopy infection) in canola
- Farmer sown and harvested replicated field trials
- Nitrogen rates in North Central Victoria
- Managing N fertiliser to profitably close yield gaps
- The effects of gibberellic acid on biomass and harvestability of vetch hay
- Sowing time for wheat and barley varieties
- Sowing for optimised establishment
- Investigating soil amelioration techniques in sandy gravel soils in the southern Wimmera
- Ripping, manuring and clay spreading on a duplex soil: early learnings from the first-year response
- Deep ripping on pulses: a first year response
- Pulses in North Central Victoria
- Common vetch trial results from the Victorian Mallee
- Mallee, Wimmera and North Central cereal NVT summary
- Managing brome in canola rotations: Complementing chemical control with crop competition
- Watching over new herbicide chemistry for durum wheat
- Herbicide residues – Measuring herbicide carryover
- Appendix 1: Acronyms and abbreviations
- Appendix 2: Cereal growth stage chart
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