Farmers negotiating the unique challenges that come with operating a mixed farm in the Wimmera and Mallee can hear how they can more efficiently and profitably manage a dual-enterprise farm business at BCG’s Sheep Management Showcase on August 15.
At the event ORM farm business management consultant and principal Phil O’Callaghan will discuss how a livestock enterprise can influence overall risk and profitability in a mixed farming business.
Mr O’Callaghan, who has studied farm profitability over the past decade, said sheep can reduce income volatility but producers need to understand the impact they have on the whole farm system, lifestyle and labour, as well as profit.
Drawing on local case studies, Mr O’Callaghan will share his thoughts on the best profit mix from crops and sheep, crop cost savings from running sheep, using sheep as a tool to manage herbicide resistant weeds and the impact sheep have on lifestyle and labour management.
Productive Nutrition consultant Hamish Dickson will delve further into managing sheep in Wimmera and Mallee environments with a presentation focused on sheep nutrition and how to avoid and overcome nutritional setbacks.
Mr Dickson said an understanding of the rumen and its biology helped growers to more effectively meet the nutritional needs of their livestock.
During his presentation Mr Dickson will discuss how to manage sheep according to their class and nutritional requirement (such as lambs and pregnant ewes) as well as how identify if setbacks will have any long-term effects.
Selecting the right feed supplements for the right situation will also be covered during Mr Dickson’s presentation which will lead into a hands-on demonstration on how to make salt licks.
The day will also feature demonstrations on how to correctly administer drenches and vaccines, the use of electronic ear-tag technology to improve production, shed and yard design, and some of the latest auto drafting and sheep handling equipment.
All farmers and interested people are welcome to attend BCG’s first sheep management showcase.
Staged at McLoughlan’s Morton Plains shearing shed, about 10km south of Birchip on the Sunraysia Highway, gates open from 8.30am, with formalities to kick off at 9am. This event is free for BCG livestock members and just $30 for non-members (lamb lunch included). There are also special rates for agriculture students.
To help with catering, please RSVP by Monday, August 12. For more information, phone Dannielle McMillan at BCG on 5492 2787 or go to: