BCG urging growers this harvest to think to 2023


With harvest for many growers in the Mallee underway despite challenging weather conditions, BCG is encouraging farmers to gather information for their 2023 sowing program while harvesting.

“With such an unusual season for our region, there are some actions growers can be thinking about while on the header now that will help set up their 2023 season,” BCG Operations Manager Genevieve Clarke stated.

“Monitor stubble loads and think about how to prepare paddocks for next year’s crop. This includes those areas too waterlogged to harvest. Mice numbers also need to be monitored with high grain loss in some areas due to wind, hail and inability to access paddocks. Think ahead regarding green bridge management post-harvest to reduce host plant survival for disease and insect populations. Weed mapping is a great way to start your planning and monitor weed spread across seasons. This can be done from the header.

Ms Clarke explained that with the wet weather issues this season adding intense pressure to an already busy time of year, it will also be important for growers not to forget about the obvious steps usually taken at harvest. “There are so many extra things to think about this harvest it could be easy to forget about the usual tasks such as fire breaks, managing the green bridge and safety. When things are occurring out of our regular routine, they can shake our usual systems. It’s important to slow down and take time to go through the decision-making process. It’s likely to save you time and further problems by doing so.”

BCG harvest update

By the start of December BCG plans to have harvested all canola trials in the Wimmera, Mallee and North Central region with good yields of 3.5 – 4.0 tonnes per hectare recorded in some areas. Barley will be the next crop type to be harvested with lentils still retaining green leaf material much later than usual.

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