Adapting our farming systems

John Ferrier

What an incredibly wet finish to the season. The threat of foliar disease, access to paddocks and waterlogging in parts of the region have been topics not usually discussed at this time of year.

As we’ve experienced in recent years, a great season set up, we just need to keep going and capitalise on the opportunities. Part of that motivation in our farming family operation is the memory of other times, like the Millenium Drought, when productivity and the outlook was not so optimistic.

It’s not always going to be like this, the climate and other factors will change and we will have to adapt again.

These sentiments were echoed by Prof Tim Reeves, Director of the Victorian Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub, in his opening address at this year’s BCG Main Field Day.

Professor Reeves reflected on the changes in farming since he last opened the first BCG Main Field Day.

“We live in a riskier world,” he said. “And it’s got a hell of a lot riskier than that first field day in 1992.”

“Climate risks are increasing, market risks are increasing… [there’s a] greater risk around supply chains… the risk of pandemics… we have to adapt our farming systems to that greater risk.”

The last four years, good years in the region, have given the opportunity for farming businesses to do just that. They have implemented changes including investing or re-investing in machinery, technology and infrastructure such as sheds and silos to build reserves in grain and hay for livestock Our communities have had the opportunity to replenish too with the resurgence of local prosperity and events that bring people together.

Again, Prof Reeves highlighted the importance of participating activities like the BCG Main Field Day. “Make the most of it. Ask, deliberate, get some take home messages… be involved, make sure you’re an active member!”

It will stand us in good stead for whatever comes next.

I look forward to seeing some of you at BCG’s 30 year celebration dinner “Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow”.

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