Birchip Cropping Group, Buloke Shire Council, North Central CMA and Mallee CMA will be coming together to deliver a unique opportunity for our community to discover the latest information about our climate and what steps we can personally take as individuals and as a community to help shape a positive future for our region.
‘Building Climate Resilience’ will be held at the Birchip Town Hall on Tuesday 29 October where experts in the areas of climate, agriculture, health, community, finance and insurance will all be in attendance to share their knowledge and ideas.
“Climate is a challenge to businesses and communities in the Wimmera and Mallee. The ability to adapt to the changing climate is essential to our survival and the region’s ability to remain prosperous. This event gives us the opportunity to learn about ways to do just that” said Caroline Welsh, Executive Director, Birchip Cropping Group.
The day features two keynote speakers, Gabrielle Chan from the Guardian Australia and author of ‘Rusted Off: Why Country Australia is Fed Up’, and Professor Mark Howden, director of the Australian National University’s Climate Change Institute.
Gabrielle will join attendees for breakfast. Her focus is small town resilience and what their future looks like in terms of climate change.
Mark is an expert on how climate variability and climate change will impact on food production and food security and how to adapt to those impacts. He is also a recipient of a joint Nobel Peace Prize with other members of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change including Al Gore, in the area of climate change. Having made numerous visits to Birchip over the years, Mark also has a great understanding of our farming systems and how we have adapted and improved our management practices.
Throughout the day speakers will be addressing topics such as agricultural outlook, climate applications, risk governance, agricultural diversification, growers as innovators, small business as innovators, improving connectivity, energy, environment and community as innovators.
A session on regional responses to drought features interstate perspectives including Stuart McAlpine from Western Australia and Peter Mailler from New South Wales, along with Dr Lauren Rickards, leader from the RMIT climate change and resilience research program.
This is a unique event for people across the region and a great opportunity to invest in upskilling and making informed decisions in terms of climate and the future. While this is a free event, registrations are essential, visit for more information.
A funder and community group workshop will be held in Birchip for Day 2 of this event on Wednesday 30 October. Attendees will work together to recognise key skills gaps and identify then develop suitable training programs to bridge these. For more information or to register your interest in Day 2, contact Phillip Guthrie on 0422 570 071 or