Chilean delegates visit BCG


Nine Chilean agricultural government representatives visited the Birchip Cropping Group (BCG) last Friday, as part of a tour organised by the Chilean Embassy to assess drought response and water use in Australian Agriculture.

Arriving in Australia last Monday, the group spent two days in Canberra talking with various government departments before flying to Melbourne to speak with Victorian Department of Primary Industry representatives. To conclude their whirlwind tour, the Chilean delegates made a special trip to Birchip to meet with BCG to discuss the concept of ‘Shared Solutions’, a philosophy within agricultural research for which BCG has become synonymous. They were keen to learn how applied agricultural research is undertaken in Australia and how this information is then disseminated to the farming community.

BCG’s Acting CEO Fiona Best and BCG Chairman Ian McClelland, gave a special presentation on agriculture in the Wimmera Mallee and discussed some of the risk management strategies that grain farmers have used during the last ten years of below average rainfall. Yield Prophet, a crop simulation model commercialised by BCG, was a key area of interest for the visiting group.

A farm tour led by Ian McClelland and John Ferrier showcased local equipment and machinery currently being used for harvest and a visit to two local lamb feedlots. The group then travelled to the property of Ian and Anne McClelland for dinner and an enjoyable evening where a great deal of information was exchanged throughout the night. The delegates spent the night with host farming families and had more farm tours on Saturday morning.

The delegation was led by Antonio Yaksic, Advisor to the Chilean Minister in charge of the national co-ordination of agricultural emergencies. Antonio praised BCG in his farewell speech, commenting that visiting the Birchip Cropping Group had been a highlight of their trip. Antonio recognised that “the community spirit and endeavour of such a small town is a credit to you all”.

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