New leadership at BCG


Birchip grain and livestock farmer, John Ferrier, has been elected Chairman of the Birchip Cropping Group (BCG).  

Mr Ferrier replaces Berriwillock grain farmer, Caroline Welsh who has stood down after leading the organisation for seven years. 

“As someone who has seen the long-term impact of the valuable work BCG achieves, I look forward to continuing my part in the development of independent, science-based research and extension that is at the core of BCG’s activities,” Mr Ferrier said.  

Ms Welsh will continue making her invaluable contribution as a Farmer Member of the BCG Board.  

“It is with mixed feelings that I step down, knowing the exciting future and opportunities ahead for Australia’s broadacre farmers but I think now is the time for the organisation to refresh and I’m delighted to continue my involvement with the Board,” Ms Welsh said.  

Corack based grain and livestock farmer, Dr Cherie Reilly has accepted the role of Deputy Chairman.

For any further information please contact the BCG office on 03 5492 2787.

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